Look Angles Calculator

Look Angles Calculator

Look Angles Calculator
Description : Sintelsat Antenna Look Angles Calculator computes antenna Azimuth and Elevation angles for any GEO satellite and ground station. It features pre-defined locations that automatically enters the given location vertices. This tool also provides pre-defined Sintelsat satellite resources. It is also capable of accepting "manual" entries on both location and satellite fields. The Offset angle is manipulated when using offset antenna and its default value is zero (0). How to use ? Select the country/city of your choice and the satellite from the list and check for the antenna offset angle then click on "Compute" to view the results on the right side of the table. Click on "Clear" to start with another computation.
Required InformationComputed Values
Earth Station Location: Antenna Look Angles:
North [°]
Lat(+90° to -90°)
West [°]
Long(0° to +360°)
(Geographic, CW true magnetic North)
(True Elevation - Offset Angle)
Satellite Orbital Location:
Longitude(East is -neg)[°]
(0° to +360°)
For Offset Antenna:
Antenna Offset Angle [°]
(Check antenna specifics.)

Disclaimer: This Calculation Tool is provided "AS IS" and without warranties of any kind either express or implied. Sintelsat disclaims any responsibility or will not held liable to any person or entity whatsoever for any loss, damage (whether actual, consequential, punitive or otherwise), injury, claim, liability or other cause of any kind or character whatsoever based upon or resulting from the use or attempted use of this Calculation Tool.

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